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Apple Shinoda
B Ichi Chapter 13 - Apple Shinoda profile




Manga Debut

Chapter 1

Apple Shinoda (アップル=シノダ Appuru Shinoda) is a Dokeshi member of the Observers, Emine's group. His daily Dokeshi condition requires him to eat apples, which he constantly offers to others as well. His Dokeshi ability is to bypass the limits of human athleticism, enabling him to perform superhuman feats of strength and agility.


Apple Shinoda has black hair with a pony tail held together with a red bead, a nose strip, tan skin and green eyes, his attire consisting of a black long sleeve vest with an apple shaped hole with a metallic trim near his stomach\, a spade sewed onto the elbows and two metal strips at the ends of his vest, a red button up long sleeve undershirt with a black tie and belt underneath his vest. He also wears long black pants with black shoes that have metallic strips on the trim and toes.

His mask at the Masked Assembly is that of an apple with two X's over his eyes.



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Ultimate Athleticism: In exchange for eating apples, Apple can push his athletic abilities to the ultimate limit. This Allows him to do feats like moving at superhuman speeds supporting all of his weight with just his pinky finger over water.

  • Blue Forest: Apple throws a series of punches faster than the speed of sound. The friction of this causes his opponent to burst into flame.



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